- The Keris and other Malay Weapons – A.H. Hill
- The Malay Keris: Its Origin and Development – G.C. Woolley
- Origin of the Keris – G.C. Woolley
- Keris Measurements from North Borneo – H.G. Keith
- Keris Measurements – G.C. Woolley
- Some Notes on Keris Measurements – G.M. Laidlaw
- A New Book on the Keris – G.C. Woolley
- Notes on Two uncommon Varieties of the Malay Keris – G.B. Gardner
- The Keris Sulok or Sundang – E. Banks
- An Unusual Keris Majapahit – Abu Bakar bin Pawanchee
- Notes on Two Knives in the Pitt Rivers Museum – G.C. Woolley
- Malay Cannon – G.C.Woolley